Friday, 15 March 2013

Decisions = Made!

Hello again!

I haven't posted since January results came out - was that only a week ago? Wow! And a few things have changed in the past week:

1. I went on my final Applicant Day on Wednesday and I loved it! The department was great, the University seems lovely and I really like the accommodation too. We had a general academic talk and a folder which contained personalised information about the course, such as the modules on offer study abroad information. Next was refreshments and an opportunity to talk to current students and lecturers - the students all seemed to really enjoy the course, which was positive. (Although, everything should be taken with a pinch of salt, as the students are probably paid for it!) Next was a tour of the Student's Union and library and then a tour of the accommodation. Everything was very impressive and so...

2. I replied to my offers on UCAS Track. You can reply to your offers anytime up until the 8th May, I believe, but I made my mind up and wanted to reply now. So I have declined 3 offers, insured 1 and firmed the last. Very exciting!! The insurance choice was one with lower entry requirements than my firm, but I really wouldn't mind either! This also means I can start applying for University accommodation and has given me extra motivation for this year. Fingers crossed I get the grades!

3. I started Student Finance. This is the body all applicants have to go through to receive the loans for Tuition and Maintenance and the Maintenance grants too. Loans are to be paid back when you start earning, grants are not.TSR break down S.F. really well, I shall link it here. The closing date to apply for 2013/2014 entry is 31st May and I've read that its best to get it sorted sooner, rather than later - or else you may not have anything to live on come the start of term! I still haven't finished it, as you need to put in your parent's combined household income and answer a lot of questions, but I hope I get it done soon.

That's it for now! I'm on the home straight with Easter holidays starting next week on 22nd March and then I leave school for study leave on 24th May. Still can't believe I'm so close to finishing! Work is still piling up - next week is my final deadlines for both English and History coursework so I'm focusing on that for now... and then revision will start all over again!

Thank you for reading,

Clara x

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