Saturday, 9 February 2013

Update and all about Applicant Days

Hello again!

Its a while since I last updated as I've been busy in school completing both English and History coursework as well as getting in the swing of homework after January modules. Early next month (I believe its the 8th March) results are out and I'm so nervous and worried... Most of my exams didn't go too well and the ones that went better weren't exactly perfect. I need to keep my grades up to get into the two Universities that I've narrowed down to be my top choices. A Levels are so hard!

I've also been on two Applicant Days, one on 30th January and one today, 9th February. Applicant Days are basically days organised for applicants that already have offers for that course. It included various talks about the course such as the modules on offer, how students are tested and how many will be in lectures. There was also an opportunity to look at accommodation and to take a tour of the campus and the city. Today, students went off for an informal Q and A with a lecturer from the department and current students which was useful to ask anything that wasn't covered in the talks as well as getting a student's prospective. Although anything said should be taken with a pinch of salt - the picture painted at every Uni seems to be perfect!

Its a really good idea to go and see the University for yourself - just like on Open Days. However, be warned that any talks you will have on an Open Day will be more than likely repeated on the Applicant Day - not great if they weren't that inspiring/informative the first time! (Universities - take note! Please get a lecturer who knows something about the course and not someone who simply reads off a PowerPoint!)

I have two more Applicant Days to go, one in two weeks and one on 13th March which I'm very excited for! I decided against going to the one which gave me a higher offer than I'm predicted... just because I doubt I'm going to get it and I don't want to firm it and miss out in August.

I hope your applications are all going well and I hope offers are coming in too! Good luck :) Also, if you're on half term like I am - make sure you take the time to relax! We all need and deserve a week off after January!

Clara x

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