Sorry its taken me over a week to update this since A Level results came out, which was a week ago! It doesn't seem two days since I was up most of Wednesday night, refreshing Track to see if I'd got into my firm University...
and I did!
I somehow managed to meet my predicted grades of AAB when I was on BBB after January's results. I resat a few modules and turned out with the grades I needed and I'm ecstatic! I don't think it will sink in fully until I get there either; but its a great feeling to know my hard work finally paid off!
Thank you for everyone for reading this, I hope it gave you an insight on the goings on of applying to University through UCAS, choosing courses and a University. I hope it was of some help to you all out there!
Good luck to all those starting University next month or who have just collected their AS results and are starting their applications!
Thank you again,
Clara x